Culminating on the U.N. International Day of Peace, #BeKind21 is an initiative from Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation and invites us all to kick off the new school year by establishing kinder habits with a spirit of compassion and kindness across organizations and in our communities.
This year Hopeloft will be participating in the campaign to encourage kindness and activism within our community. We invite you to join us all this month!
September 1st
Pick up litter in your community
September 2nd
Learn more about struggles youth in foster care face
September 3rd
Buy a coffee or a lunch for a stranger
September 4th
Volunteer, donate, or spread the word about a local CASA
September 5th
September 6th
Donate supplies for local foster youth’s duffel bags
September 7th
Write a thank you note for a CASA Advocate
September 8th
Share info about an organization or person making a difference in your community
September 9th
September 10th
Become a mentor for local youth
September 11th
9/11 Kindness through remembrance
September 12th
September 13th
Learn one child's story about life in foster care
September 14th
Share a Blue Box with someone in need
September 15th
Make a meal for a CASA Advocate or family
September 16th
Say thank you or “shoutout” someone who has helped or inspired you
September 17th
Make PB&J for the hungry and decorate the bags with encouraging sayings and notes
September 18th
Show your support of local LGBTQ+ Youth
September 19th
Drop off treats to a local shelter, fire station, or health care facility
September 20th
Buy groceries for a local family
September 21st
Leave an inspiring note in your community to inspire more kindness!