At Hopeloft, giving back is our daily priority, especially during heightened times of need. Our team has been collaborating every day on research and outreach to support our community, striving to both keep you informed and inspire change.
If you currently are searching for safe ways to support your local community, we have introduced a new Giving Back page on our website that provides a regularly updated list of organizations in South Jersey through which you can safely volunteer and give back. Your efforts and support with these organizations will help fight the effects of the coronavirus on your local community.
“A strong community practices kindness and willingness to help in times of crisis,” says Outreach and Event Coordinator Hillary Nichols, who worked diligently to compile our “giving back” resources. “If you have the means to help, we encourage everyone to get involved and be an example for your family, friends, and peers.”
Among the list of places to support and volunteer through are Hopeloft’s very own Operation South Jersey and CASA of CGS, along with the Bridgeton Gateway Food Pantry, the NJ Pandemic Relief Fund, Vineland Spirit and Ministries Soup Kitchen, the Volunteer Center of South Jersey, the United Way of Great Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, the Bridgeton Salvation Army, and the Community Food Bank of South Jersey. Help can range from monetary or essential item donations to volunteering your time at a soup kitchen or becoming a virtual reading coach.
Now more than ever the world needs our help. Join us in our mission to support our essential workers, our neighbors, our loved ones, and our community. Check out the Giving Back page regularly for updates!