Have you ever wondered what Hopeloft is and what we do? Learn more about our mission, the amazing organizations we work with, and how you can get involved all throughout this month right here on our blog.
Melissa Helmbrecht, a Bridgeton native, founded Hopeloft in 2016 with a vision to create change for the community and its residents. From that initial vision we have grown into a vibrant co-working and community space that houses over 30 members and organizations with a set of shared goals working together to inspire change. We are dedicated to solving serious social problems, and the members of Hopeloft collaborate to improve our community and the lives of those within it.
Hopeloft resides in the Ashley McCormick building in the center of downtown Bridgeton. Our three floors are home to a coworking space, yoga studio, and community center. Through our network of organizations, we provide community services such as one-on-one family advocacy and support, trauma-informed work and education opportunities, life skill classes, as well as groups like Prism club for local LGBTQ+ youth, and activities like our monthly Open Mic Night and yoga classes. Through our relationship with Rowan College of South Jersey we continue to create new college and career pathways for children and families living in Bridgeton, as well as new career opportunities through our partnership with Rutgers Food Innovation Center.
We are always growing and changing, but at our core our projects and our people are challenged to rethink what is possible and imagine a future where every child can go to college, get a good job, achieve their dreams, and give back. At Hopeloft we believe that even the most disadvantaged in our community have immense potential and important roles to play. We believe that whoever you are and wherever you come from, you have vital contributions to make. We believe in our community.